The understanding that there are positives and negatives to all spiritual and religious practices, that you do not need to believe in any system or higher power. Whatever inspires you to live a righteous life, that is what is right for you. Reincarnation is reality, it will happen based on what you do, whatever your beliefs are.
This is the startup of an omniist church that defines moral standards, so members who share the same moral values can find each other. First locally, then across the nation and globe.
Inspired by the unwritten 9th path of Buddhism, right association. Supported by quantum, noetic and entanglement physics, the verifiable study of the interactions of energies around us. It confirms that we are affected by the energy of the people we associate with, that when like minded people gather, the power of their thoughts increases exponentially. This shows the importance of surrounding yourself with people who are on your spiritual level, especially for children who are highly empathetic to its influence.
This is the purpose for what we are doing. These are steps towards building secure private communities of friends, to safely raise children to the moral codes the neighborhoods have chosen, on omniist church owned land. The omniist church can purchase land for its members, which allows us to choose our neighbors.
OMNIIST CHURCH CONCEPT: Whatever mankind controls he interprets to his own point of view, so organized religions whose roots go back thousands of years have been changed by reinterpretation. In this way, mankind defined, therefore created, the deities that we name. The Spiritual Essence has always been there, and is beyond our ability to limit it.
If there is an original truth, "Imagine it as a bonfire. Selfish interpretations based on greed and power are like dousing the flames with water, leaving hot coals of truth buried in the ashes. Enlightened interpretations are oil poured on the embers, letting a small part shine bright for a while."(“I.B.A.U.” “Inspired By Author Unknown”)
Think Beyond The Obvious 9x9, our church’s website, will expose these embers of truth. Hosting discussions on spirituality and science, organized and unorganized religions, as well as moral standards.
Written by members who have lived the faiths, and people who have knowledge in their fields. You will not agree with all the discussions, they will help you find members in your area who are on your spiritual level, and give people of no faith something to believe in.
Our religious message is to find a philosophy that makes sense to you. Our spiritual message is to promote the reality of reincarnation, belief in it is not required.
Reincarnation will happen based on what you do, whatever your beliefs are.
If you are already following a path, you know more about it than I do, and can post about it if you want to, as well as comment on other postings.
My writings are meant for people who do not have a solid faith. These combined teachings will make it easier for them to find a philosophy they can understand, and use it to inspire them to live a righteous life. This leads to the main question of the church discussions:
DISCUSSION O {D0} WHAT IS A RIGHTEOUS LIFE: (1) [1] The simplest answer could be the most basic of moral codes, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Many religions have a variation of this golden rule.
[2] It works best when the people around you feel the same way. I have helped many people, even when I could not afford it, most kept asking for more. When I got tired of feeling like I had a sucker tattooed on my forehead, I did not help people that I should have, or had given so much to players that I had nothing left for those in need. Is it righteous living to support deceivers, giving to liars who take all they can get? Or to help people who refuse to help themselves, when there are so many in need.
3 doctrines are required to register a church, these are my preferences. Designed to be acceptable to the majority of people, they are the only part of these writings that church members need to acknowledge. Worship as you will.
(1) [1] We live by the moral rule that we answer for our actions. The platinum rule, what you do to others will be done to you.
[2] Most problems would be resolved with this simple concept, personal and global.
(2) The Spiritual Essence that created our souls is beyond our understanding and cannot be limited by definition.
(3) Spirituality is too personal to be regulated by man, the Sacred responds to the individual.
(4) We focus on the life we are living, since no one can prove what happens to our soul after we die.
I think outside the box, when the box’s definition does not match my intent, I change the spelling for my interpretation.
(1) G.A.T.S.H.A.E.: Guardian Angel Tablet, Spiritual Higher Awareness Essence. For that which is the most important to us, our personal connection to the Sacred. See Discussions {D2 (1, {D3 (3 [3, {D4 Is reincarnation reality, {D5 What is the purpose of our existence, {D10 Does the power of our worship create the Gods, {D11 Reincarnating ancient lost Gods, {D19 (1 [2 Can anyone meet this impossible standard.
(2) [1] CO PURCHASING: Members working together to bypass profit driven sales corporations and access wholesalers. Starting with necessities, it will expand to all the things you buy.
[2] STEWARDSHIP: Changes the meaning of ownership and class distinction. The church owns the land, church members own the corporations that own the buildings.
[3] SENIORITY CERTIFICATES: Issued and supported by the parent national corporation, partnered with the church as a reserve. They represent “co ownership” interest in local corporate assets, yet are not stocks. They are similar to monthly payments on a retirement certificate of deposit.
(3) OMNIIST: Several descriptions of omneist focused only on the positive, while I respect the negative as well. 2 i’s represents the depth perception to see beyond the obvious. Also represents that we are different from what has been before.
(4) KARMIC or CARMIIC: Eastern karma emphasizes forgiveness, hard C is to honor the hard side of Carma in that we answer for our actions through reincarnation.
(5) 21st CENTURYIIST: [1] Examples of sub charters for moral codes search and classification. See {D21.
[2] Also to educate the public on misconceptions. As an example, when I say I am pagan people ask if I sacrifice animals to worship trees. That is pre 21st Century worship.
[3] For members who manifest new deities for the needs of the modern world.
(6) ( note double p’s.) LEPPER: Warriors against child abuse. See {D15 I am a Lepper, Outcast, Unclean.
(7) [1] GOD/DESS: (I.B.A.U.) I saw this spelling on a facebook group page, do not know to whom I should credit it to.
[2] God, Gotss, Gudss: See {D20 The name game #1
(8) S.H.A.E. : Spiritual Higher Awareness Essences, or Spiritual Highest Awareness Essence. A simplified rephrasing for the various Nature Spirits, God\desses, Angels, Demons, etc. See {D3 (4 [1, {D4, {D5, {D11.
(9) The ShHeA.(She includes He, the balance of positive and negative energy, which is All): A statement of intent, for that which is beyond our understanding and cannot be limited by a name. It can be a point of reference or reverence. See {D4.
(10) SHAITIEN: New spelling for a new understanding.
[1] See {D12, {D17 What is the earthly war between good and evil. {D21 (4+(13.
[2] Who rewards sin, God or Shaitien? See Bible #1, Genesis 12:11-20, Genesis 17:1+:12, Genesis 20: emphasis :12. These scriptures clearly show that the God of Abraham is Shaitien the Deceiver.
(11) HYPOCHRISTIANS: [1] Bible thumpers for whom the word of God is not important enough to read the entire book. See {D21 (13 Emmanuelle Christologiist.
[2] People who use the promise of forgiveness as an excuse to keep sinning. From national leaders to street hustlers.
(12) (“I.B.A.U.”) “Inspired By Author Unknown”. My study books have been lost during my hard times, if you see anything here that has been previously published, please let me know so that I can give it proper credit. As well as studies that go in depth with what we touch on.